September 2021



Parks and Open Spaces Quality Improvement – Open space enhancements in Winkfield

Director of Place, Planning and Regeneration


1.1      To seek approval for the allocation of S106 funding (£16,245.90) to support improvements to biodiversity and sustainability at Winkfield Parish Council sites -Locks Ride Recreation Ground, Asher Recreation Ground and Cranbourne Allotment.


1.2      To confirm which financial contributions secured from developers under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 will be applied to the project. (see ANNEX 1).


1.3      To confirm that the improvements will be implemented by Winkfield Parish Council if approved.



2.1      That £16,245.90 of S106 contributions (as summarised in ANNEX 1) are allocated to fund improvements to biodiversity and sustainability at three Winkfield Parish Council sites (see above).


2.2      To condition that appropriate planning permissions are secured if/where required.



3.1      Developer contributions are collected through S106 agreements to support “providing, expanding or improving open space, and/or outdoor recreational facilities (which may include the acquisition and/or improvement of land and/or buildings and/or carrying out or assisting in the carrying out of nature/landscaping conservation projects) within 3 kilometres of the Site.”


3.2      The justification for requiring developers to supporting the improvement of open space and outdoor recreational facilities is given in The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF):


‘8. Promoting healthy and safe communities

98. Access to a network of high quality open spaces and opportunities for sport and physical activity is important for the health and well-being of communities, and can deliver wider benefits for nature and support efforts to address climate change…’


3.3       The improvements deliver key objectives in The Council Plan 2019-2023:

·         continue to provide easy access to the natural environment

·         protect our highly valued green spaces and strategic green gaps

·         address the impact of man-made climate change on our local communities by putting in place actions that work towards meeting the government target of eradication its net contribution to climate change by 2050


3.4      The borough council has adopted a Parks and Open Spaces Strategy (2012) and the improvements to biodiversity are in accordance with delivering the following three priorities:


‘6. Enhance the natural qualities of parks and open spaces. Protect and enhance biodiversity.

Positively manage trees and woodlands, to include new planting to provide for future generations.’


‘7. Identify opportunities to increase the positive role that parks and open spaces can contribute to climate change mitigation (e.g. tree planting as part of carbon sequestration). Implement appropriate measures in support of climate change adaption (e.g. ponds and scrapes).’


‘11. Encourage greater community involvement and additional partnership working between agencies, groups and organisations.’


3.5      The council has adopted a Bracknell Forest Biodiversity Action Plan (2018-2023) (BAP) and this project delivers the key priorities:


- Wetland Habitat - E i) Restore 5 ponds

- Urban Habitat Ai) Plant or replace at least 50 large native urban trees


3.6      This Council strongly believes in the need to continue its work to address the impact of man-made Climate Change on our local communities. The improvements to biodiversity and sustainability are in line with one of the four principles in the Bracknell Forest Climate Change Strategy, which is:


‘Preserving the natural environment sustainably in line with the Bracknell Forest plans.’



4.1      Not delivering these improvements in Winkfield could lead to a failure to meet the objectives in The Council Plan, Climate Change Strategy, Parks and Open Spaces Strategy and the Biodiversity Action Plan.


4.2      Not using the s106 development monies could result in a failure to mitigate the impact of development and a missed opportunity for ‘providing, expanding or improving open space, and/or outdoor recreational facilities.’


4.3      It could lead to funds being returned to the developers if no other qualifying scheme was located through which to deliver enhancements in the time available.


4.4      The wide range of S106 open space and recreation contributions available in the borough have been assessed to eliminate those lying outside the distance constraints of the developments as set out in the respective s106 agreements.




5.1      Site description

Three sites are proposed for this project:


·         Asher Recreation Ground – located on Lovel Road, Winkfield. This site is a large grass field with play area at one end. The Cranbourne allotments are located adjacent to the south.


·         Locks Ride – located on Forest Road, Bracknell. This site has a pavilion, play area, cricket pitch, car park and pond.


·         Cranbourne Allotments – located on Hatchet Lane, Cranbourne, SL4 2EE.


5.2      Project description.

Examples of proposed enhancements:

·         Pond restoration - by pollarding willow trees around the pond at Lock’s Ride. This will increase light and encourage a wider range of aquatic plants to grow which will increase the biodiversity value of the pond. In addition, a hibernaculum will be created from arisings.


·         Tree Planting – planting native trees at Asher Recreation Ground to provide large long term trees to support the forested character of the borough.


·         Small community orchard – planting a mixture of fruit trees at Asher Recreation Ground to create a new orchard for residents and wildlife. This will be underplanted with bulbs to provide early season pollen and nectar for pollinators.


·         New composting area at the allotment – this new feature will take waste vegetation from managing sites and produce organic compost. It will remove the need to transport waste and import compost and mulch contributing to the reduction in carbon emissions and use of peat.


·         Other improvements are also being explored that will aid public access and enjoyment at these sites, allowing residents to get closer to nature.


5.3      S106 funding is secured in accordance with adopted planning policy. Of significance is Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (2015) (ref. section 5.11 Open Space of Public Value and the ‘Plus One’ Principle whereby works are prioritised towards improving quality of existing open spaces over time.


5.4      In addition to being secured to fund quality improvements, there is a requirement that developer contributions are allocated to open spaces capable of serving the development from which the contribution was paid.  This means that available funding needs to be allocated to a site within close proximity of the contributing development. The contributions to be allocated are set out in Annex 1.




Borough Solicitor

6.1      The allocation of funding proposed in this report complies with the requirements of the s106 agreements.


The approval of the recommendation in the report falls within the decision making remit of officers in consultation with the Executive member pursuant to the Bracknell Forest Council Constitution March 2021 Part 2, section 6 paragraph 6.2 (a)( vi).



Director: Resources

6.2      The financial implications are set out in the report.


Equalities Impact Assessment

6.3      An EIA scoping assessment has been carried out for this project and included in ANNEX 3. There are no negative impacts resulting from the proposed project. The improvements are anticipated to aid people’s mental wellbeing, by being able to get closer to nature.




Strategic Risk Management Issues

6.4      S106 contributions will need to be refunded should they not be allocated in accordance with the respective legal agreement. Future maintenance costs associated with this project will be met by Winkfield Parish Council.


Infrastructure and Implementation Team Manager

6.5      The proposed use of the identified S106 contributions to fund the proposed enhancements is considered appropriate. The proposed works will help offset the impact of the new housing permitted by the applications to which the specified S106s are related on local open space/recreational facilities.



            Principal Groups Consulted

7.1       Bracknell Forest residents

            Winkfield Parish Council


Representations Received


7.2      Winkfield Parish Council

            The plans were well received at the Winkfield Parish Council meeting (meeting agenda), subject to some changes being made to the project plan, which have been made accordingly.


Covid-19 Residents' Survey 2020.

Residents provided views about accessing healthcare and the support they need to recover from the experience of the pandemic: Around six-in-ten residents spent more time in nature, visiting open spaces since lockdown began on 23 March 2020 and about half of residents tried a new form of exercise or exercised more, while smoking and drinking levels remained about the same.


The views of residents about travel and the environment in the future, due to Covid-19 are as follows:

75% of residents said they agree that Covid-19 is a chance for people to be more environmentally friendly and 73% agreed that this is an opportunity for Bracknell Forest to accelerate its plans to become Carbon Neutral by 2050.


See Annex 5 for further results from the public consultation.



Background Papers:

ANNEX 1: S106 Allocation details and site map

ANNEX 2: Application form

ANNEX 3: Equalities scoping assessment for project

ANNEX 4: Site Plans

ANNEX 5: Public consultation


Contact for further information

Paul Craven, Head of Grounds Maintenance and Facilities at Winkfield Parish Council


Tel: 01344 885110 

Revision V2 22.09.2021

ANNEX 1    S106 Allocation details and site map













Paddock Gate, North Street, Winkfield

Winkfield and Cranbourne



For providing, expanding or improving open space and/or outdoor recreational facilities with 3km




Mayfield Industrial Estate, Hatchet Lane, Winkfield

Winkfield and Cranbourne




As above












Site map

BFC_GREYSCALE_BLACK_lrANNEX 2: Parks and Countryside Service Application Form






Project 7

1: Contact Details


Paul Craven


2: Organisation Information

Name of organisation

Winkfield Parish Council


Department/service area/section

Parks and Countryside Service

Lead officer

Stephen Chown

Lead member

Cllr John Harrison

Lead director

Andrew Hunter

Decision maker

Cllr John Harrison

Date of decision

 11 October

Reason Key


Making representations


Financial impact


Consultation carried out?


Consultation details

Wider consultation of residents via the Covid-19 Residents' Survey 2020.


Equalities scoping report completed and provided with the application?

 Yes – see Annex 3

Document(s) to be considered


Background papers




Explanation for exemption


Key decision


Exempt report


2: Project Description

Type of project

Blue and Green Infrastructure - Active Open Space of Public Value (Active OSPV)



Project Address

Asher Recreation Ground, Lovel Road, Winkfield, SL4 2ES


Locks Ride Recreation Ground, Forest Road, Bracknell RG42 7NN


Cranbourne Allotments – located on Hatchet Lane, Cranbourne, SL4 2EE.

Accompanying map

Yes – see Annex 1 and Annex 4




Winkfield and Cranbourne

POSS reference number

11 – Asher Recreation Ground

85 – Lock’s Ride Recreation Ground

240 – Cranbourne Allotment

Brief description of scheme

Biodiversity and sustainability enhancements at Winkfield Parish Council sites.

Policy / Strategy Objectives Being Delivered

·       Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP)

·       The Parks and Open Spaces Strategy

·       The POSS Study

·       Council Plan – protecting and enhancing our environment

·       Climate Change Strategy

Total estimated cost of scheme



Estimated amount of s106 funding required


Existing funding



October 2021 to March 2022

Details of previous improvement projects

Additional information

Project finished?


Lead Contact:   Paul Craven                                                                                         

Position (Officer / Member): Head of Grounds Maintenance and Facilities at Winkfield Parish Council

Date: 1 August 2021



ANNEX 3: Equality Impact Assessment Scoping


Initial Equalities Screening Record Form


Date of Screening: 17.09.2021

Directorate: Place, Planning and Regeneration

Section: Bracknell Forest Council Parks and Countryside Service

1.  Activity to be assessed

Biodiversity enhancements in Winkfield

2.  What is the activity?

 Policy/strategy    Function/procedure     Project     Review     Service    Organisational change

3.  Is it a new or existing activity?

 New   Existing

4.  Officer responsible for the screening

Rose Wicks

5.  Who are the members of the screening team?

Rose Wicks, Marlies Boydell and Paul Craven

6.  What is the purpose of the activity?

The aim is to enhance biodiversity, sustainability and public access to nature at Winkfield parish Council sites using s106 developer contributions, in accordance with Planning Obligations SPD (section 5.11) and the BFC Parks and Open Spaces Strategy 2012.

7.  Who is the activity designed to benefit/target?

The improvements will benefit biodiversity, those who access the sites to enjoy nature, and there will be wider benefits in terms of climate change mitigation.

Protected Characteristics


Please tick

yes or no



Is there an impact?

What kind of equality impact may there be? Is the impact positive or adverse or is there a potential for both? 

If the impact is neutral, please give a reason.

What evidence do you have to support this?

E.g. equality monitoring data, consultation results, customer satisfaction information etc

Please add a narrative to justify your claims around impacts and describe the analysis and interpretation of evidence to support your conclusion as this will inform members decision making, include consultation results/satisfaction information/equality monitoring data

8.  Disability Equality – this can include physical, mental health, learning or sensory disabilities including conditions such as dementia.





There’s strong evidence to suggest that having good access to nature aids good mental health and wellbeing.

Bracknell Forest Council:

Covid-19 Residents’ Survey

Report: August 2020


Natural England Access to Evidence - Health and the natural environment

9.  Racial equality








10. Gender equality








11. Sexual orientation equality









12. Gender re-assignment










13. Age equality








14. Religion and belief equality








15. Pregnancy and maternity equality







16. Marriage and civil partnership equality








17. Please give details of any other potential impacts on any other group (e.g. those on lower incomes/carers/ex-offenders, armed forces communities) and on promoting good community relations.


18.  If an adverse/negative impact has been identified can it be justified on grounds of promoting equality of opportunity for one group or for any other reason?


19. If there is any difference in the impact of the activity when considered for each of the equality groups listed in 8 – 14 above; how significant is the difference in terms of its nature and the number of people likely to be affected?


20. Could the impact constitute unlawful discrimination in relation to any of the Equality Duties?





21.  What further information or data is required to better understand the impact? Where and how can that information be obtained?


22.  On the basis of sections 7 – 17 above is a full impact assessment required?





23. If a full impact assessment is not required; what actions will you take to reduce or remove any potential differential/adverse impact, to further promote equality of opportunity through this activity or to obtain further information or data?  Please complete the action plan in full, adding more rows as needed.



Person Responsible

Milestone/Success Criteria

Any interpretation about the site works, or improvements delivered will be designed in such a way that they are easy to access e.g., large enough font, in plain English etc.

October 2021 to March 2022

Winkfield Parish Council

Everyone can access the information.





24.  Which service, business or work plan will these actions be included in?

Parks and Open Spaces Strategy - S106 quality improvement programme, based on the Plus 1 Principle.

25. Please list the current actions undertaken to advance equality or examples of good practice identified as part of the screening?

When carrying out site quality improvements, the following actions are undertaken to ensure that any new / improved site features are made accessible to all park users:


Follow guidance from the Sensory Trust:

·          Advice and guidance – Sensory Trust Guides

·          Developing inclusive communication - Sensory Trust


Provide appropriate specifications to contractors, which include the need to adhere to equalities best practice guidelines.

26. Director’s signature.

Signature:                                                                                                  Date:

When complete please send to for publication on the Council’s website.


ANNEX 4 – site plans




ANNEX 5: Public consultation

Coronavirus phone survey - July 2020


In July 2020 we asked 1,800 residents about their experiences during the coronavirus pandemic through a phone survey.


All responses were confidential, and the results are now being used to help us plan for the borough's recovery from coronavirus over the next 3 years.


The survey was carried out by independent company Public Perspectives. It included a range of questions on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on residents, their family and the local community. Residents were asked to list their favourite 3 things about living in the borough. The main things residents enjoy are:


·         the borough’s parks and countryside

·         council run sports and leisure facilities

·         highways


As part of this survey, residents provided views about accessing healthcare and the support they need to recover from the experience of the pandemic. Around six-in-ten residents spent more time in nature, visiting open spaces since lockdown began on 23 March and about half of residents tried a new form of exercise or exercised more, while smoking and drinking levels remained about the same.